Breaking the SilenceHave you noticed that I haven’t written any blogs lately? Well, I took time-out to re-evaluate what is most important to me during these...
The Journey of "Stop"Raising my four children, I sang many times the Unity song, There is an Answer to the Problem! I still do and I believe it is always...
Simple Resilience Technique!You Can Do This!Wouldn’t it be great to feel resilient at any time? To bounce back quickly after a disturbing thought or situation? How resilient do you...
Questions are the Ultimate AnswerSurely you are aware that a grain of sand irritates the tissue of an oyster and that irritation produces a pearl. How interesting that...
Noticing the Good!When I taught 9th grade, I always checked the right answers on a test and made no mark on the wrong answers. I put the number of right...
Your Safety NetYour Safety Net Will Bring A Smile on Your Face, A Twinkle in Your Eye and a Skip in Your Step! You think you have a problem? Well, how...