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The Antidote that Leads to The Good Life!

I saw a sign the other day that said, “God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind, I will never die.” Certainly, being engaged in life is truly a fantastic feeling! On the other hand, the feeling of being overwhelmed with your to-do list does not feel fantastic! Hopefully, as you anticipate and prepare for your holidays, you will be feeling full of life, feeling fantastic! If you are familiar with the feeling of exhaustion, however, or are anticipating that, what might be the antidote?

Could it be as simple as daily silence? Fr. Thomas Keating states, "Silence is God’s First Language: Everything is a Poor Translation." Keating defines centering prayer as "a very simple method in which one opens one's self to God and consents to his presence in us and to his actions within us."

You think you don’t have time? I would suggest that you can’t afford to miss daily silence! In fact, as you are planning gift-giving this season, wouldn’t daily silence be the most perfect gift to give yourself? Have you not already worked hard enough to give yourself that gift first? Might I suggest that you deserve this?

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Do you remember those words?

That plan surely does not sound like it includes overwhelm, worry, stress or a to-do list the length of your arm! Your Creator is the giver of The Good Life. You are here by Divine appointment to do only what you are called to do. That calling would never be designed to cause you frustration, fatigue or breakdown. To truly hear what is yours to do there must be silence. It’s not an option! Silence is the quiet listening and the relaxation that leads you to know what is really yours to do. Please, don’t let your “get-up-and-go”, be “get-up-and-gone”! If life is becoming a hard climb, silence is no longer a luxury; it is critical! Why wait to the critical point? Silence is the antidote that leads to The Good Life!

You have the power to not burnout, and if you do, then you chose it. I hesitate to call this daily silence "meditation". Why? Just the word meditation often leads folks to think they need to learn something new, or get better at “It”. Don’t make the healing of daily silence become complicated. Keep it simple and call the antidote what it is: Silence! Plain and simple silence is the great antidote. Begin today to honor yourself and your Creator by putting silence on your daily calendar, no matter what.

In our world today, it doesn’t seem like we can guarantee one another much of anything, but I do guarantee you that you will experience many benefits from the experience of silence on a daily basis. Why not try it now? 20 minutes?

Wishing You the Happy, Healthy, Holidays that Come from Silence!

Peace, Love, Joy!


© 2022 by Youthful Living, Inc.

The information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose diseases or medical conditions, nor is it intended to prescribe forms of medical treatment. Issues concerning health should be referred to qualified health professionals.

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