How do you say, “Thank You, God”? You have many ways, I am sure. Have you considered that a commitment to place God first in ALL decisions is one way to do that? Have you considered that giving to God’s work and God’s people are ways of saying, “Thank You, God”?
I have always believed that I don’t really own anything. It’s all God’s, and it is generously on loan to me for a time. I’ve simply been assigned as its guardian. I am thankful. I won’t be taking my houses, my cars or any of my amazing “stuff” :-) with me when I leave planet earth. Someone else will enjoy them next! Interestingly, that makes giving and sharing rather easy. It’s not mine anyway! :-)
Have you ever thought about tithing as a way of saying, “Thank You, God”? What do you believe about tithing? Have you thought about tithing as an act of faith? What were you taught about tithing? Someone told me that tithing was devised by the churches to get more money! Wrong! A healthy church is a tithing church. Would that be the same for us as individuals? We are all a work in progress, so it’s something worth contemplating. Are you contemplative?
I am always uplifted and inspired by Pastor Cindy at Northwest Christian Church in Columbus, OH <--link. Pastor Cindy is a minister of many amazing talents! I encourage you to visit there, if you are ever in Columbus. On my recent visit, Pastor Cindy gave a meaningful message on tithing, and I thought that on this Thanksgiving week, you too might wish to hear her. She kindly gave me permission to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it!
With a deep understanding of tithing as a practice of faith, we can grow and manifest a deeper, more meaningful life. Faith is a God-given gift and power that we can exercise and develop, as we deepen our spirituality. (We always have free will.) Perhaps a tithing practice is connected to faith! Might it be worth testing? If it’s a practice do you need to start practicing at 10%?
I would love to hear your thoughts about this and about Pastor Cindy’s message. Just email me at Barbara@BarbaraHribar.com
Happy Thanksgiving!