Events: Mark Your Calendar! Call Barb with questions 216-409-4906
Tuesday, June 15th 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Herbs vs “You Know What!”
Making Good, Safe Choices for Your Health
Tuesday, June 22nd 6:00 - 7:15 PM
NSP Membership Can Benefit You and Your Friends in New Ways!
How to help your friends benefit from the proven, pure
potent and high quality herbal opportunities.
Tuesday, July 13th 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Harmony in the Home
Parent Coaching - You have Everything to Gain! Barbara is a Parent Coach who has a calling to support parents who are feeling frustrated, confused, lost or alone... and are ready for a change.
Ongoing Sessions:
Indigo Biofeedback
Feeling confused or stuck in your health program? Want to lower your stress? Need new input? Ready for change, for your next health improvement? Personal sessions in Brunswick always fills quickly.
Next opportunity: Monday, June 28. Call NOW for answers to your questions and to schedule your appointment with Patrice Shawhan 440-477-3414.
* Zoom Meetings: Please sign-in early as each attendee must be individually admitted. Then we can get started promptly at 6:00 PM with the information you are looking for!