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Better than Goals - A Theme!

Are you already curious about what the new year 2020 will bring for you and your loved ones? Even though life is a mystery and the world seems to be a stressful place, filled with turmoil at many levels, I know we have the power to be the author of our own lives. We absolutely have the power to determine how we will respond to life. We have a substantial influence on what the year will bring, how we will feel about that, and the wisdom we will gain.

What kind of power does that take? Truly it takes more than a list of goals that we often abandon before even a month has passed. I suggest that we start in a new, uplifting and empowering way. Personally, I’ve decided not to write a single goal for the upcoming year. I have found something profoundly more enjoyable and effective. I will begin 2020 by determining a theme for the whole year. Why a theme you ask? Because a theme comes from the heart, not the head. A theme is not a boring, same-old, same old to do list. How do I know? Because I replaced my goals in 2019 with a theme, and I experienced results of accomplishment greater than I could have hoped. Look out 2020 ~ Here I come!

I recommend the HeartMath® Freeze FrameTM technique* to discern the 2020 theme for your life too. Ask your heart, “What is the best theme for me, words I can live by now?” When you have a few minutes of quiet, sit and ask your heart what your theme is for this year. Allow time for ideas to come to the surface of your mind; let those marinate until you can put those ideas into a few written words. A theme is an umbrella-like statement or main focal point that you choose to guide your way. Your theme could be for a year or for just the next six months with the intention to re-evaluate whether or not you wish to continue with that same theme or move into something new and more exciting. A theme sets the pace, sets the tone and sets the atmosphere of who you are, no matter what you are doing in life. The theme is about Being and Radiating. Your theme is inspirational and motivational to you; it really “makes your day”! On “good” days or “bad” days your theme carries you through with an inner joy and clarity. Your theme is a vibrant phrase or single sentence; you feel the positive energy; it resonates with you! It might read like this: “I Confidently Shine My Light!” You will feel a real excitement around your theme.

Next you will discover your intentions that express your theme by settling into Freeze FrameTM once again. Ask what your two intentions for this period of time will be. Your intentions express your theme. Your intentions will always be stated in the first person, present tense: I AM______. What does your heart tell you? What words will follow those powerful two words, I AM? Be careful here. Take your time and make sure your answer is coming from your heart. Allow those ideas to come to the surface of your mind and put them into writing in a short complete sentence. It might read: “I AM committed to a healthy, happy relationship with me. I AM deeply and happily connected with my family.” You might have an intention related to your employment, and that could read something like this: “I AM supported by a healthy work environment, and I AM a Success! My business is prosperous. I AM a joyful, successful entrepreneur!” If you are ambitious, you might choose up to a maximum of three I AM intentions.

Once you have your one over-reaching theme and your two intentions, you have no need for New Year’s goals. You follow your heart, being who you are from the core of your theme and intentions. You fulfill your theme by expressing your intentions one day at a time. You are always in the NOW, living in the present moment. This really can be your year of plenty. You Choose!


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This will be a Journey of Joy!

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Living My Theme,


*My choice for discovering my theme within my heart is to use the HeartMath® Freeze FrameTM technique as I describe it here.

Freeze FrameTM – Move from a state of frustration to your heart. Heart breathe, feel observe and act. Use as a multi-purpose technique. Stop energy leaks and enhance clarity for higher and better decisions.


  2. HEART BREATHE: Slowly and deeply breathe in and out five seconds each while focused on your heart. (five in and seven out works well and being exact is not the goal. Just a few rounds will take you to your heart space.)

  3. ACTIVATE A POSITIVE, GOOD FEELING FROM THE PAST: Marinate in that feeling for a moment.

  4. OBSERVE, HEAR and FEEL: What is coming-up as a possible answer, different from what you might have thought your head would tell you. It will surface now or later.

  5. ACT: Write your one theme and your two intentions when you feel your heart has brought something to you. You can always revisit this technique later until you are clear.

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